Chronic Illness Connection

Christine Elgersma
2 min readMay 15, 2022


Coming right to you

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image credit: Tillie Clayton

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Over the course of those years — and through the pandemic — finding people to commiserate with about doctors, symptoms, treatments, and everything else that comes with ever-lasting illness is truly helpful. It makes isolation a bit less sticky and reminds me that there are other people who get it, even if we have different maladies.

That sense of connection inspired me to launch a “newsletter” that has no news, but does touch on topics for people living with chronic illness and those who love them. Is it weird to use one online forum to promote another? Maybe — I don’t know if there are rules around this or whatever. The point is, I decided that the only thing better than finding commiseration online is having it delivered right to your inbox.

There are periodic playlists:

Fun posts about infusions and insurance. Hilarious!

And so much more (soon)! If that sounds good to you, check out the previous posts, see if they resonate/amuse/etc., and go ahead and sign up for my free “newsletter” that contains no news.



Christine Elgersma

Writer, editor, teacher, queer mom, lip synch enthusiast, backseat forensic psychologist & paranormal investigator, car-singer, survivor of an ‘80s childhood.